Being set up under the trees was nice but when Tropical Storm Debby decided to spin around in the Gulf for (as I write this - who knows how long) it was time to get out from under them. I wasn't worried about branches. They keep the limbs cut back and under control. I was worried more about the trees coming down.
Oak trees in this part of the country are grand and sprawling. They also have an extensive root system however that root system is anchored essentially in sand. You have to go to Georgia to get clay - in these parts we have sand. When they start measuring the rainfall in feet the oak trees are at high risk for toppling over.
Remember, I'm staying at Whispering Oaks RV Park, key word oaks. Now if Debbie had turned into a full fledge hurricane we would really head to sea, i.e. as far away as we could get. Since she is only a rain maker we decided to just move a few streets over into a big open field. It's nice to have the option to cut and run. Try to do that in your brick and mortar house.
When I took the picture we had a break in the rain. Hank's doors are open to air him out as the carpet got wet yesterday when we moved. After a day in the humidity and with the windows up he was really starting to stink.
At this point (Tuesday afternoon) Debbie has dropped about 8-12 inches here in Ocala and Gainesville in the past few days but a couple of feet in the Panhandle. They're talking about her finally starting to move across the state and into the Atlantic, thus moving closer to where we are, and bringing a lot more rain.
We're on high ground and away from any harm. The wind just slips past LuLu's curves no matter the direction. We have two full 30 pound bottles of propane. The batteries are charged. We have 40 gallons of fresh water in the tank. The pantry and the fridge are full. I'd say we're ready. Bring it on Deb.
We're nobody's fool though. The recreation center building is just over my shoulder from where I took the picture. You can see it in the prior blog post. It looks like a wooden building but that's wood siding over cement block. If all else fails we'll go shoot some pool.