Things have been pretty mundane at work of late. Get up, clock in and walk the gas line. Get up, clock in and walk the gas line. Get up, clock in, launch the boat and cruise all morning up and down the Cumberland River. WAIT A MINUTE!!!! WHAT!!!! Launch the boat?
The Cumberland River snakes it’s way through Nashville quite majestically. The gas lines do as well, although I can’t say they’re as majestic. When the two cross each other we have a dilemma, although a good dilemma for me. So yeah, last Thursday I got paid to do some motorboatin’ on the river most of the morning.
A large gas line crosses the river at a place called Clarksville Pike. It came due to be inspected so the company gave me and one of my co-workers, Warren, the task of surveying it. Warren has a bass boat so the company made arrangements to rent his boat for the survey. Keeping it all in the family is always the best way.
Early Thursday was a bit chilly at about 50 degrees but the sun was coming up and warming things up quite well. The nearest boat ramp to the site of our target gas line was a couple of miles upriver so a cruise was in order. The water was like glass when Warren pushed the throttle forward and we planed out. It’s times like this when you have to ask yourself, “ I get paid to do this?”
After a while we arrived at the crossing. Warren used the trolling motor to make a few passes and I held out the detection instrument we use to find leaks normally; the theory being if it was leaking, since it was a gas, it would rise to the surface and be detected just as any other leak is detected. Yes, I know, it’s complicated but we had figured it out before launching with complicated mathematical calculations and physics and stuff.
All was well and that’s good since I have no idea how they would fix it if it weren’t. By lunch time we were back on terra firma and I was walking the line as usual but not a bad day.

The SS. Minnow

The scene of the crime

Railroad Bridge

Full throttle!

Nashville's skyline from the Cumberland River.
The weekend is here and we’re headed out to the Nashville Oktoberfest. It’s a big deal here with an attendance of about 30,000 beer loving Nashvillians and this year, two thirsty Floridians. Chances are good we’ll find a beer vendor somewhere. No guarantees on pics that aren’t a bit blurry – jus’ sayin’.
Till then keep it between the buoys and Auf Wiedersehen!