Sunday, October 12, 2008

Still in preflight

I haven't made a post to this blog since February but then at this point that shouldn't be unusual.  We'll be in preflight for a while still.  "We'll", as in we.  My first two posts were "I" as in I.  Coincidentally just days after those first few posts I ended up meeting the person who will share this adventure with me.  I knew Margo for a few months before that.  She was always the attractive woman in my spin class at the YMCA until Feb 29th when the spin class got together for a night of bowling.  Having only seen Margo on a spin bike in class with the music pumped up really load we didn't have much to say to each other.  We each felt that neither was "our type".  My shyness probably had a lot to do with it too.  Anyway, at bowling we were chatting.  I told her about my plan to travel the country in an Airstream.  A conversation topic by the way not conducive to developing a relationship but amazingly she was even more turned on by the idea than I was.  Long but glorious story short, first impressions, and who you think is and is not your "type" are not what they seem.

It's been six months now and we truly have found in each other a partnership that is extraordinary.  The dream has become so much more important to achieve then when it was just me.  The adventure with Margo is well underway.  It's an incredible ride and we haven't even left town yet.  We'll work our jobs, mark time and get my daughter through high school.  We'll grow and by the time this comes to be we'll be ready.  Oh yes, We is much nicer than I.  

So, preflight is still preflight but it's a team getting ready, not just me.  We took a trip to Bates RV in Tampa, home of the Airstream Ranch, and looked around.  She got really excited about the 31 foot Classic so that part is settled.   A Classic it will be.  This woman has style.  Now just to get the kid through high school. Again, probably not too many posts in the near future but once we start firming up plans and getting into the nuts and bolts of things I'll start updating.  Look in the "fun stuff" section of my flicker page here for a look at the Airstream Ranch.

1 comment:

  1. Feel ya! We have been in preflight for, hmm, 1 year and 10 months. We bought an Airstream, then found we couldn't do it, so sold it. Then came around again, bought another Airstream, and after months of planning and condensing, we leave today!
