I've gotta tell ya about the Lake City dog show. Last weekend I set up the green screen booth and went to the dogs again. I know, I know. I said on the last post that I wasn't going to do another dog show but I had paid my booth fees for Lake City before I went to Deland so was invested. These kennel clubs insist on early payment. Makes sense though. They want to know in advance how many vendors are going to attend.

This was a little different set up though. My booth fee included RV space rental. Even better, my space was right behind my booth. Oh, what a difference to have LuLu right behind me. My own well stocked fridge, all my stuff and my own bathroom. I'll spare you the story of the Deland Fairgrounds toilet that wasn't bolted down..... this is a family blog.
As I suspected though the timing issues repeated themselves. This was a two day show so on Saturday I talked to a lot of show dog owners that didn't have their dogs. As in Deland most were in the custody of the handlers. They really loved the idea and promised to come back on Sunday. And they did - all at once. Sunday afternoon was non-stop, three deep at times, but, as in Deland, I lost a lot of people that just didn't want to wait. Also, come 4 o'clock when the cheers went up for best in show it cleared out in a matter of minutes. I looked up and the RV parking lot was empty and they were moving in to take down the tents.
I'm glad I went though. I met my expenses and made a profit. My web site sales were brisk this week and I saw a lot of people I had seen in Deland (repeat customers - go figure). Best of all I had some incredible neighbors. Glenn and Paula operate a sharpening business and do the show circuit. There's a lot of dog grooming at a dog show, a lot of groomers, and a lot of dull clippers and scissors. On the other side was Karen who carries a full line of conditioners, shampoos and other magical potions that the discerning show dog owner has to have. Evenings were spent over a beer dodging Glenns humongous Standard Poodles (missiles actually) as they intentionally ran full speed with full intent to take out a knee. Sadly Glenn and Paula's pizza dinner got taken out by one of the missiles in their RV while everyone else was outside.
So the real verdict is in. Dog shows - long hot days with sporadic sales until the very end then too much of a good thing but a really nice common denominator of incredibly friendly and enthusiastic people. I was shaking my head at some of them but it's like anything, hobbies grow legs sometimes and get real serious - this one grows 4.
We headed back down I-75 to Ocala Sun Resort late Sunday night in a gully washer of a rain storm. Another new experience for me. Obviously I've driven in rain but never towing a 6,000 pound Airstream. Although not the most comfortable experience I have to say that she was more stable then I thought she would be. I wasn't comfortable stopping so just kept a lot of space open ahead and all was well.
I'll be doing some local shows and such this month and next but this should be it for the photo journal. I think everyone understands the photo biz now but if you want more I'll offer a shameless plug - check out my business web site at kcartwrightphotography.com and see some of the work from the shows.
Till next time.
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