When you live in 188 square feet you have to have a very different perspective on your "stuff". You can't have a lot of it and the things you do have ideally should serve more than one purpose. In the last post I mentioned the work lights that we use to keep the water pipes warm doubling as party lights in the summer. Here's another. Our oven. We use it all the time but when it's not being used to bake cookies it serves as a cabinet to store our Tupperware. It all sits on a cookie sheet so the whole kit and caboodle comes out in one move. No, we don't leave the pilot on and yes, I actually used the phrase kit and caboodle.
Sometimes though you really have to think outside the box, or in this case think outside the ball. We use a large exercise ball as an office chair and oh yeah, also as an exercise ball. It actually serves both of those purposes at the same time. It's great for maintaining your core muscles and posture, both of which I've always needed to work on.
Back when I made a living typing medical reports I spent 8 hours a day here. |
My fancy office chair I used in my transcription days weighed a ton and had to be kept outside when I wasn't using it. Our new "chair" deflates when not in use and weighs practically nothing. The best part though - you can bounce on it!
You should try the same thing in your own larger than 188 square foot home or even at work if possible. Obviously the space and weight issues don't exist for you but I'll bet that your posture will improve and quite possibly you'll gain some health benefits.
On the ball. |
We didn't think of this. There are studies that suggest this very thing, even standing desks are gaining popularity. These same studies go into the correlation to low back pain, the increase in cortisol (the stress hormone) and reduction of heart disease risk factors. Do yourself a favor and Google this phrase "your chair is killing you." There are a number of articles available on the subject so I didn't want to link to any specific one.
It's the little things that sometimes count for more than we realize but bottom line - you can BOUNCE on it!
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